Saturday, May 14, 2011

AAU study to find astrological impact on monsoons

Syed Khalique Ahmed Tags : Ananda Agriculture University, L D Chimote, Vice-Chancellor A M Sheikh Posted: Tue May 10 2011, 04:29 hrs Ahmedabad:

Anand Agriculture University (AAU) scientists are conducting a study to see if the movement of Sun and stars has an impact on the occurrence of rains.

The study aims to blend astrology and meteorology to predict the quantum of rainfall in a particular year — whether it will be a good monsoon or a drought year.

AAU has already distributed the astro-meteorlogical almanac, prepared by Pune-based astrologer L D Chimote, to sarpanchs and talatis of all the 18,000 villages across Gujarat. The villagers and the talatis have been asked to fill in details like the quantum of rainfall and how long it rained, on a daily basis in the calendar and report it to AAU at the end of every month.

Vice-Chancellor A M Sheikh told The Indian Express that the daily rainfall data received from all villages as per the astro-meteorological calendar will be collected and compared with 100 years rainfall data of 200 rainfall stations across Gujarat. AAU will then study and analyse as to what extent does astrological movements affect rainfall.

Sheikh said if the rainfall recorded is 60 per cent or above than astrological predictions, the predictions will be considered successful. Sheikh said a correction prediction of onset and withdrawal of monsoon as also distribution of rainfall will enable scientists to know if it will be a drought year or if there will be floods. “We can prepare a contingency agricultural plan and inform the farmers to change the crops,” said Sheikh.



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